
Showing posts from October, 2014

Wooden Utensils

So, I have always had a love for wooden cooking utensils, be it wood spoons, spatulas, rolling pins, you name it.  My mom used a lot of wooden utensils so I grew up learning to cook with them.  Most people probably don't think twice about it or don't care, but give me a wooden spoon over a plastic one any day. Well eventually the day will come when your spoons begin getting tired, and you need to consider replacing them even if it is like saying goodbye to an old friend.  However it isn't always easy finding good replacements. I don't care much for the ones you can buy at Walmart or other super stores because I know they were mass produced in a factory someplace far, far away.  The soul has been bleached out of the wood and they just don't do it for me.  So whenever I'm lucky enough to find a wood carver making utensils I get excited.  Now with Etsy at my disposal, it's even easier to locate new wood utensils to join the rest of the utensil family current...

Well, hello there.

Hello world!  I've finally entered the blogosphere.  Now let's be realistic.  I doubt many people will ever even read this, but this is for the sake of my own sanity.  Mwahaha!  Sometimes I have ponderings that I just have to put into words. A bit about me.  I'm a photographer, a crafter who is always experimenting with new ideas, a movie lover, and a dog-mom living in corn country.  I also enjoy supporting other artists and creators of handmade items so I will always take the opportunity to help promote others in anyway possible.  So for any of you who happen to stumble upon my little piece of the world....welcome and I hope you enjoy your stay!